
Personal Mastery Training

Episode 115: The Happiness Ratio

The Happiness Ratio is all about focusing on the positive and not letting the negative 20% get to you. This ratio is based on a study in which they found that 80% of people’s day were happy, while only 20% of their days were unhappy. This means that the majority of our days are productive…
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Episode 114-Don’t Go to Sleep on Your Life

You only live once. But if you’re not careful, that one life can pass you by without you noticing. Too often we get caught up in the mundane details of life and put off living for tomorrow. That’s a mistake. Because you never know what tomorrow may bring. In this episode, Alvin Brown discusses why…
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Episode 113- BE GREAT: developing a winning mindset! 🏆

Jace Lopez is an online coach for contest prep and general population clients and also the owner of The Apex Training Gym where he and his team of personal trainers coach clients to move, eat, and live a healthier lifestyle. He’s been online coaching and personal training for years and having a background in bodybuilding,…
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Episode 112- Stop Saying No to Your Greatness

How many people do you know who have given up on their dreams? Saying yes or no always is likely to leave you trapped with no time or energy for yourself–and unable to give your best to any of your commitments. In this episode, Alvin Brown discusses why you should stop saying no to your…
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Episode 111- The Simple Math of Winning

Everything around us is simple math. Are the things you’re currently doing or the people you’re hanging out with adding or multiplying for you? Or is it dividing or subtracting from you? In this episode, Alvin Brown discusses the simple math of winning. Key nuggets you’ll get from this episode: Why everything is simple math?…
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