Episode 229- The Power of Less: Focus, Truth, and Productivity

Episode 229- The Power of Less: Focus, Truth, and Productivity

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In a world that glorifies hustle, are you truly making progress or just staying busy? In this episode, our friends from Personal Mastery Alliance—Dr. Charlie Cartwright, Raymond Tonye, and Brandon Anderson—challenge the idea that more is always better. They explore how cutting away the unessential, focusing on purpose, and seeking truth over greatness can unlock real productivity and fulfillment.
Key Highlights:
  • Dedication is often just meaningless work in disguise. Be ruthless and cut the fat.
  • It is not about daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away the unessential—the closer to the source, the less wastage.
  • It’s not how much you do, but why you do it. Purpose over busyness.
  • Are you being productive or just active? Learn to distinguish between the two.
  • Seek not greatness; seek truth, and you will find both.
Less isn’t just more—it’s everything. When you cut away what doesn’t matter, you make room for what truly does. Take a step back, assess your daily actions, and ask yourself: Am I creating real impact or just staying busy?
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